0-10V Dimming Object Moving Trigger Mode Zhaga Sensor JL-712A2H

JL-712A2H 0-10V Dimmig and Microwave + light sensing mode, and you can set different parameters to real lighting gradient atmosphere. such as fully bright, slightly bright, and remote or adjust mode to control brightness duration times.

Product Parameter

Power supplyAUX Power: Voltage:12~24VDC Current:12V/35mA;24V/25mA
Power consumption<0.385W(12V);<0.55W(24V)
Sensinglight sening+Mircowave
Microwave frequency 5.8GHz
Maximum hanging height15 m
Induction radius>=10m
Start-up time<200ms
Power on initialization By default, it remains turn on for 5s (gradient) when powered
on, and then runs properly based on parameter Settings and
environment conditions
Control modereference our JL-712A2H Specification
Mechanical vibrationIEC60068-2-6
Spectral rangewavelength:800-1100mm


JL-712A2H zhaga control with 4 pin definition.png

Demo a part of the function  and how do work in the indoor

JL-712A2H zhaga sensor with microwave motion sensor.png

Product Details